The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) reported that the electricity prices in South Australia are the highest in the country. If you’re fed up with high power bills and unpredictable prices here, then a solar system is the answer. There are also some great government incentives available to those who make the switch to solar power in Adelaide more affordable. With the highest electricity rates in the country and generous government incentives, it only makes sense that solar is on the rise in Adelaide.
The solar industry in Adelaide is booming. But, it can be hard to navigate the huge range of options available. That’s why we created this guide for anyone looking to invest in solar power in Adelaide. It is important to do your research and find out which type of solar system is suitable for your home. In this guide, we will go through some of the most popular topics:
- Adelaide Solar rebates and subsidies
- Solar PV system options
- Getting started
How do I access solar rebates and subsidies in Adelaide?
There are currently three main types of solar incentives available to you if you are in South Australia. The first is a Feed-In Tariff and the second is the STC Incentive So, what are they?
Feed In Tariffs Explained
Adelaide has plenty of sunshine, so most homes won’t use all of the energy produced. So, residents can get credited by their electricity retailer for the excess solar energy that they feed back into the grid.
This is a form of micro-generation that allows solar system owners to generate their own solar energy and then sell what they do not use back into the grid. This process is called as feeding in or selling back to the grid and the amount that is paid per kWh is referred to as the Feed In Tariff.
STC Incentive Explained
Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are assigned to all Solar and Wind systems under 100kW of generating capacity. The number of certificates awarded to each system differs around the country, with 5 zones mapped out based on the differing amount of
sunlight across Australia. So, a system installed in Adelaide will receive slightly different certificates than that of its counterpart in Melbourne.
Once installations are registered with the Clean Energy Regulator tradable certificates that can be bought and sold on the market are created. Depending on volume, a price is negotiated between the buyer and seller for the transfer of the STCs.
Visit for a detailed map of STC Zones.
Below we have provided a rough estimate of the value of this rebate for three popular sized systems. Please note, the STC deeming period reduces each year and these estimates are indicative for the time of writing. To learn exactly how much you can save with the STC incentive, contact our team today to get an exact quote.
Let’s say we installed these systems in postcode: 5000, Adelaide, SA
- 6.66kW system – $3,496 incentive (Eligible for approximately 92 STCs valued at $38 each.)
- 13.32kW system – $6,992 incentive (Eligible for approximately 184 STCs valued at $38 each.)
- 99.90kW system – $52,440 incentive (Eligible for approximately 1380 STCs valued at $38 each.)
What are the solar panel options in Adelaide?
The cost of electricity in Adelaide is the highest in the country. With this in mind, it is no surprise that there are a lot of people who live here and buy solar panels to be able to save money and live more sustainably. But what panels should you get?
The best advice we can offer is to find a manufacturer that you feel comfortable with and who has a good reputation. One of the common mistakes that buyers make when looking for a solar system is not really understanding what they are looking for and then making a bad decision. It is important that you do your research and find out more about the products before you buy.
Solar sounds great, but where do I get started?
This guide was a great starting point for getting solar installed in Adelaide, but there is still more to do before you get started. Download our solar buyers guide to keep reading for a complete overview of the process, as well as some tips on how to research the market. Hello Solar has been providing dependable service to these areas for over 5 years. Request a call back if you want to skip the reading at get some simple and straight forward advice on where to start with solar.